Interior Design Tips and Inspiration

What Large Abstract Art Can Do For An Interior

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Ever wondered what large abstract art can do for an interior? What are the benefits of bringing a large abstract painting into a home? And what should people keep in mind so they do it in a way that makes sense for their space?

Here are a couple of ideas to help you choose your next sizeable piece of art.

If you see a large abstract artwork that you would like to own, you should not worry so much about whether it will fit in with the rest of your furniture or décor. Start with the art. Buy what you love. Then when the time comes to replace your furnishings and change the color of your walls, you can make choices that work in conversation with the art.

Let’s face it design trends come and go. Paint preferences change on a whim. But your art will likely be with you for the rest of your life.

Large, abstract artwork can create a visual theme with furniture coverings, throw pillows, floor coverings, and accent pieces like vases or sculptures. Whatever aesthetic language is established by the art, allowing it to guide the other choices you make about the décor will create a cohesive and welcoming tone for the space and draw even more attention to the art.

Formal artistic elements within a painting, such as line, colour, texture, shape, and pattern, can set the tone for an overall design by creating a visual language for the room.

If a room has a double volume ceiling, a large art piece placed in the right spot, high off the floor, can help bridge the gap between the different spaces.

To read more about what large abstract art can do for a room, click here ☞

The artwork featured here ☞ Smoke And Mirrors I – Limited Edition 3

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