Interior Design Tips and Inspiration

A Growing Number of Corporate Entities are Acquiring Art

Why are a growing number of corporate entities acquiring art? The reason is multifaceted.

First impressions count a lot in the business world. It is more than just eye contact and a firm handshake but also a visual presentation of your company culture, brand image and core values.

An article in The Guardian explores how Deutsche Bank uses its 60 000 piece-art collections to inspire employees. Are they onto something?

One of the most notable results of having art in an office space is the promotion of creative thinking and elevating the mood and positivity in the workplace. It also improves the business’ image in the public eye by aligning the company with a taste for sophistication, cultural awareness, and an investment in the community and the arts.

Although art in the office is a common sight today, sometimes quality is sacrificed for quantity. It is used purely decorative and not an integral part of the design and construction process of the facility. That is why companies would benefit from hiring professional art consultants and established artists to design their art collections and layout to match the company’s brand.

The artwork for this office was carefully curated to represent the company’s image, which is forward-thinking and staying one step ahead of markets and trends. The symbolism of the colours in the art piece is black, meaning wealth, orange for energy and white representing integrity.

What does the art in your company say about your brand?

For an interesting read click here ☞

Artwork featured here ☞ Open To Love I – Limited Edition of 3

To view, click here ☞

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