Philosophical Art – Living Is Not To Be Feared, But To Be Respected
This philosophical artwork was created through a pinhole taken at the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens in Cape Town.
The fearless amongst us have a sense of wonder and adventure. They approach life as an experiment and are curious about the world. Their passion and enthusiasm are central to facing their fears.
The secret to living beyond your fears is to approach them with curiosity while observing your reaction. After all, it is the same phenomenon seen in the sunset that holds the key to living beyond your fears — a sense of wonder.
I named this contemporary art piece “Living Is Not To Be Feared, But To Be Respected” because, without curiosity and experimentation, fear would have kept me from taking this photograph and sharing it with you.
Fear not your own journey, for there is much to be discovered, so that future generations may benefit. “As fire was discovered, people burned themselves. But what would we do today without fire?” Excerpt from the Marie Curie film (2017).
Here is an interesting article on living beyond your fears and embracing a world of wonder ☞
To read the synopsis for Landscapes, click here ☞
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