The healing power of landscapes
These artistic visual feasts are created from an urban perspective. Since a majority of the earth’s population lives in metropolitan areas, we cannot step out for 20 minutes to feel connected to nature and clear our thoughts. Hence the need for creating artworks to bring the landscape to us.
A recent study was conducted on the effects of mother nature, by Alice Chirico of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano in Italy and colleagues. And they concluded that both nature and art are effective elicitors at evoking the experience of the sublime.
Life can get pretty intense at times, and when this overwhelming feeling comes over me, all I have to do is look up to gaze at my beautiful mountain. And I am reminded that all is harmony, all is transitory, all is made beautiful in time, and all will make sense soon enough. Just as it is when the harsh winter months turn into spring, revealing a kaleidoscopic effusion of colour and new life.
No matter where I find myself on the globe, I get a sense of “her” eyes following me, calling my attention to marvel at her unparalleled beauty.
Psychologists often equate the sublime to awe, and to study it, many have used pictures or videos of natural scenes to induce the sublime in study participants.
To read more about the studies conducted based on the premise that art and nature elicit an equally intense sense of the sublime click here ☞