Major Art Piece- One Foot In Front of the Other
I named this major art piece ‘One Foot In Front of the Other’ because it is representative of a celestial being walking the earth. It is, in fact, a digital artwork of a lampost through a pinhole.
Some are of the opinion that angels reveal the purpose and destiny of humans, enabling humans to come to a knowledge of who they are, what is their origin, and what is their destiny.
The Field Trip
While on a fine art photography course with the brilliant Mr. Martin Osner, he took us on an outing to Camps Bay harbor to try the latest technique, namely pinhole photography. There was creative energy and excitement in the air among the students. First, we had the famous Snoekies fish and chips lunch, a must if you’re ever in the area. Then we were let out to play with our new toy, the pinhole lens cap, which we made ourselves. While Martin and Anita Osner kept a close eye on us, I followed a captain into a hull to photograph him and his wife in their home on the ocean vessel. And the next minute, I heard Martin calling my name from the hatch opening, asking if I was alright. Not having realised the potential danger I had placed myself in, I was deeply moved by the concern.
I haven’t used any of the shots I took in the hull, but I did stop to photograph this lampost on my way back to the group.
Trust your subconsciousness to guide your steps, not theoretically but directly and intuitively, because there is a good plan for your life. And you are surrounded by angels, human and divine.
To read the Good Hope series synopsis click here ☞
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