Good Hope Series 


All the digital artwork for this series is a testimony to my journey of good hope.

This series came into being after a sequence of events that led me to sell all my belongings, pack my car, leave my hometown of 48 years, and drive 14 hours across the country to Cape Town, my new home. Before this decision, I had to learn how to let go of the misguided notion that I needed to control and learn to trust the flow.

Having settled in, I found life directing me to take a year course in photography and graphic design. That same year I walked the Camino de Santiago, as part of my spiritual quest, from Ponferrada to Santiago. The following year, as I continued flowing, I attended a fine art photography course with Martin Osner. There I met two photographers who invited me to join them in the Tankwa Karoo Desert for ten days to photograph artists in residency. 

We are now amid a pandemic, and “Good Hope” continues. Now is not the time to give up, but rather a time to reach deep within, find our inner strength, and nurture our “Good Hope” for this hour and the future.

The inception of the Good Hope series commenced in September 2017 and is still ongoing.

Showing 1–12 of 42 results

A Heart And Breath

Statement: Creativity is not a solitary movement. That is its power. A single creative act has the potential to feed a continent. One creative act can cause a torrent to break through stone ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes, author of Woman Who Run With The Wolves. Description: During another load shedding outage in Cape Town, and with nothing else to do but sit in the dark on a Thursday night, I decided to go to the beach, camera in hand, to watch the Poi dancers paint with fire. Heading back home after an entertaining night, I knew that what I had captured would be another great art piece in my Good Hope collection.  I named this contemporary artwork 'A Heart and A Breath' because the way the person is painting with the light looks like an energy field around them. Consider that without that person, that particular light would not exist. Yours is a life of unique purpose, find it, cultivate it, and then paint the world with your colours.    

And the Crowd Cheered

Statement: In times when there is no one around to cheer you on, be your own cheerleader. Be the protagonist of your life story and others will join you along the way to celebrate with you.


Statement: This is not a judgment, it is a statement based on personal experience. The finger pointers (in truth, we are all guilty of this) most often wish they could have more freedom of thought, but fear the change to the great ocean of truth. However, changed behavior corrects the assault on another's right to freedom.

Auspicious Beginnings

Statement: Life begins in an egg and some believe that potentiality is already being formed in the womb. What can we therefore say about this life? We can say that everyday is new and an opportunity to cultivate our potential, which will affect the days to come.

Carved From The Inside

Statement: Everything you need to be happy and beautiful is already inside you. Description: I named this limited edition print "Carved From The Inside" because the term beauty does not only apply to the physical features but also to the personality. The term beautiful inside and out comes to mind.  

Conquering Challenges

Statement: During challenging times we need to be extra vigilant to guard our thought and emotional life's meditation. This could mean the difference between rising above the challenges or being weighed down by them.

Down The Rabbit Hole

Statement: It is good to be curious. To be an active participant in finding answers to questions. Even though the outcome is unknown, the act of searching will bring us closer to the answers we seek. Description: I named this abstract artwork 'Down The Rabbit Hole' because the image is indicative of a wormhole which theoretically is a passage through space-time.


Statement: Duality teaches us that every aspect of life is created from a balanced interaction of opposite and competing forces. Yet these forces are not just opposites; they are complementary. They do not cancel out each other, they merely balance each other.

Emotional Leakage

Statement: Occasionally we may spring an emotional leak. It is okay when it happens in private but becomes complicated when in public. Feelings of shame, weakness, ridicule, and criticism might accompany these moments but it is important to understand that the expression is not a sign of weakness or failure but a sign of emotional health. Our culture, and consequently we, place a lot of pressure on ourselves to appear strong and confident when, in fact, what makes us beautifully human is our moments of sensitivity.


Statement: Realising your dreams can be as difficult or as easy as you make it out to be. You are faced with one of two choices when your dream is challenged or questioned... Agree and discard it because it's just a dream, or disagree and nurture it because you can't imagine your life without it.

Feel Through Seeing

Statement: Sight, or perceiving things through the eyes is a complex process and yet we do it everyday, all day.

Girl Interrupted I

Statement: Fear interrupts your journey, so showing up for all your emotional experiences is a very brave thing to do and absolutely essential to a healthy journey.