Good Hope Series
All the digital artwork for this series is a testimony to my journey of good hope.
This series came into being after a sequence of events that led me to sell all my belongings, pack my car, leave my hometown of 48 years, and drive 14 hours across the country to Cape Town, my new home. Before this decision, I had to learn how to let go of the misguided notion that I needed to control and learn to trust the flow.
Having settled in, I found life directing me to take a year course in photography and graphic design. That same year I walked the Camino de Santiago, as part of my spiritual quest, from Ponferrada to Santiago. The following year, as I continued flowing, I attended a fine art photography course with Martin Osner. There I met two photographers who invited me to join them in the Tankwa Karoo Desert for ten days to photograph artists in residency.
We are now amid a pandemic, and “Good Hope” continues. Now is not the time to give up, but rather a time to reach deep within, find our inner strength, and nurture our “Good Hope” for this hour and the future.
The inception of the Good Hope series commenced in September 2017 and is still ongoing.