Showing 1–12 of 17 results

Beauty in the Cracks

Statement: The Japanese philosophy on wabi-sabi, which is the beauty of things imperfect, has a place in our psychology. The relentless pursuit of perfection — in possessions, relationships, achievements – often fosters hasty judgments. This is where wabi-sabi invites a pause. It opens space for acceptance and forgiveness, for mindfulness, for seeing the beauty of things flawed, including ourselves and our fellow human beings.  

Behold The New I

Statement: In order not to earnestly remember the former things, nor consider the things of old, you are required to take action by moving forward, which means stepping away from where you are, leaving the past in the past, remaining in the present, and moving toward your future.

Emotional Leakage

Statement: Occasionally we may spring an emotional leak. It is okay when it happens in private but becomes complicated when in public. Feelings of shame, weakness, ridicule, and criticism might accompany these moments but it is important to understand that the expression is not a sign of weakness or failure but a sign of emotional health. Our culture, and consequently we, place a lot of pressure on ourselves to appear strong and confident when, in fact, what makes us beautifully human is our moments of sensitivity.


Statement: To achieve equilibrium, we must face the truth about our strengths and weaknesses. Honesty creates space for free flow between our mind and heart, and we become connected with our instincts.


Statement: Appearances can be deceiving and it is wise to spend time in contemplation in order for the situation to be revealed and understood.  


Statement: When we cultivate an attitude of gratitude, we are reinforcing the belief that all things, whether good or bad, work together for your good.

High – Deep – Wide II

Statement: There is no need to fear surrender, for love is higher, deeper, wider, and ever-present in the consequences of your choices, whether good or bad. The gift of life is to teach, protect, nurture, incubate purpose, and turn ashes into beauty.

Horses of Fairies

Statement: Live life with no regrets, use every moment you have, and live as if there’s no tomorrow. Pay heed to your dreams and desires because your outlook on life influences your deepest thoughts.  


Statement: The moral of the myth of Icarus warns against the needless search for instant satisfaction, in a way underlying the idea of sophrosyne. In Greek, σωφροσύνη is a term that stands for healthy-mindedness, implying self-control guided by knowledge and balance.

Natural Energy

Statement: Living to grow and growing to live eliminates stagnation and breaths a plethora of hope, optimism, ambition, wealth, and peace into your life.

Our Love Was Born Outside The Walls

Statement: Love is for the brave, even if you have to pretend to be brave until you believe it. “When the walls come down, love takes over, and it no longer matters what is possible or impossible; it doesn’t even matter whether we can keep the loved one at our side. To love is to lose control.” Paolo Coelho.

Safe & Sound

Statement: Asking love to saturate you from within, trusting that it will flow without, and to be your shield and protector from harshness, empowers you not to be overcome by fear but rather to make a difference in love. It doesn’t mean that you won’t feel anything; it means that when you do, you’ll know that the Source of all Love extends through you to the person, situation, or atmosphere and is also your assurance that you are not alone.