Showing 25–36 of 40 results

One-Step Two-Step

Statement: An internal dialogue becomes essential when hope starts to dwindle, and it usually goes something like this: My heart asks me periodically, “How do I get to my destiny?” Gently, and with much-acquired wisdom, I reply, “One step at a time, dear one.”

Our Love Was Born Outside The Walls

Statement: Love is for the brave, even if you have to pretend to be brave until you believe it. “When the walls come down, love takes over, and it no longer matters what is possible or impossible; it doesn’t even matter whether we can keep the loved one at our side. To love is to lose control.” Paolo Coelho.

Paying Homage I

Statement: To place yourself at the mercy of others will come to no good end. Extend mercy to yourself, and you will run and dance naked because the old self has gone, and the deep self, the naked self, is the powerful wanderer.      


Statement: Looking through the lens of love, you will see the naked beauty of creation displayed. That there will come a time when you will be no more, there is no doubt, but until then, follow your heart and live!    

Safe & Sound

Statement: Asking love to saturate you from within, trusting that it will flow without, and to be your shield and protector from harshness, empowers you not to be overcome by fear but rather to make a difference in love. It doesn’t mean that you won’t feel anything; it means that when you do, you’ll know that the Source of all Love extends through you to the person, situation, or atmosphere and is also your assurance that you are not alone.


Statement: While the crowds move ceaselessly along, I bid them a good day and retreat to my friends, the gentle raindrops. Together we meditate on nourishing the soul till there is no doubt that life is a beauteous and splendiferous thing.

Stop And Revise

Statement: It has been said: Round and round and round we go, where we stop nobody knows. Life is not a game of chance so dare to re-write the expression on your own terms! Let it be known from this day forth that infinity, plus you and me makes three and this probability makes us free!  

Take A Deep Breath

Statement: Exercise your right to charter your course through life because if you don't know what you believe in, someone will come along and convince you to believe in their convictions. Consider these wise words by Aurelius, "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."  

The Race

Description: In every effort of conscious and active participation in your life's journey - its highs and lows, deep breaths and silence, beautiful noise and screaming chaos - you can come to realise that the destination is not as important as the moments that lead you to it.  

Three People Painting the World

Statement: Done with the past and busy with the present while confident that the future is taken care of, knowing that when the old meets the new, there will be a link but no connection.


Statement: If you stagnate so, do your dreams, and to reach your full potentiality you must keep in mind that life is not static but a dynamic process in which changes are happening.    

Universal Loving Kindness

Statement: Loving yourself is the kindest thing you can do for your fellow man. I think this is what Aristotle meant when he said that all friendly feelings for others are an extension of a man’s feelings for himself.