Showing 1–12 of 13 results

Into The Light

Statement: We know we've come full circle when we stand at a similar crossroad where we made a mess before, but this time we take a different road.

Kindness Toward Others

Statement: The ancient Greeks saw kindness through the lens of reason, emphasising the positive effects acts of kindness have, not just on the receiver of kindness but to the giver of kindness as well, not for the salvation of the soul in the afterlife, but in this life.

Lumière Dorée (Golden Light)

Statement: Every moment is the first and best when existing in happiness and prosperous thoughts.

Open to Love I

Statement: The fear of judgement and criticism weakens you, but the more you open your heart to love the more love expands, increases, flows, and empowers you.

Painting With the Moon

Statement: Life starts with a seed, a thought, a word, that is, what you plant you will harvest. May your seeds be filled with κέφι: A burning passion and enthusiasm for life characterised by joy, zest, and exuberance.


Statement: We can experience miraculous transformation when we give our inner seed the soil, nourishment, and sunshine to become what we know we should be.

Spirit of Ecstasy

Statement: You can rest in the joyful excitement and confidence of the guarantee that you will live and prosper in your destiny.   "Spirit of Ecstasy" formed part of the collaborative exhibition, Bending Light, with Lothar Böttcher at the NWU Botanical Garden Gallery.  

The Blueprint of Our Reality

Statement: Offer positive speech and thoughts to yourself  and the world, and the air around you will become so charged with positive energy that it will affect your entire being.

The Future’s Looking Brighter

Statement: To prosper is to live a rich life, one of love and compassion, wealth and complete joy, one of caring and sharing, filled with laughter and exploration.

The Good Life

Statement: Keep life simple and seek calming pleasures that contribute to peace of mind.

The Midas Touch

Statement: True riches add no sorrow.


Statement: When soul and spirit connect there is a direct knowing of God – there is awareness of unlimited potential. Soul connection allows you to step away from what no longer serves you and opens you up to a life of joy, abundance and purpose.