Showing 61–66 of 66 results

Turn to Happiness II

Statement: There is a rhythm to life that no one can refute, i.e. the cycles of change. Some we like and some we would rather do without, but they are ALL necessary to maintain a balance of truth, self expression, intelligence through learning, and spiritual perspective.


Statement: When soul and spirit connect there is a direct knowing of God – there is awareness of unlimited potential. Soul connection allows you to step away from what no longer serves you and opens you up to a life of joy, abundance and purpose.  

Yes Time Flows

Statement: The continuous passage of life in which events pass from a state of potentiality in the future, through the present, to a state of finality in the past.

You Are Greatly Loved And Dearly Prized

Statement: Open your heart to the true miracle of love which values you above all else, welcomes you as you are, and gathers you into loving arms where you are safe and sound.

Your Blood Is Teaming With Life

Statement: You were born to live life in abundance, so step out of the prison of fear and surrender to the river of life. Let it flow through you, under you, and surge through you, for life can only be lived through growing and becoming all that you truly are.

Ευφορία (Euphoria)

Statement: May the currents of GRACE & POWER carry you, surround you, and sweep you forward into the profoundly important and satisfying life waiting for you.