Showing 1–12 of 33 results

Anticipatory I

Statement: While we are working on embracing our flaws and imperfections we can celebrate the fact that we are becoming stronger and more beautiful. Look at and anticipate the emancipated proclamation of freedom from the fear of fracture.


Statement: The term "Blue sky thinking" is used to describe creative ideas that are not constrained by preconceptions, so be bold, dream big, and hold onto those dreams despite feelings of despair that would otherwise cause you to let go.

Bathed Abrasion

Statement: Personal growth is important because it makes us more flexible, more understanding, and better prepared for the future and it also enriches the lives of those around us. Whether abrasive or gentle, trust the cleansing process as well we know that where there is smoke there is fire, where there is fire there is light, where there is light there is an enlightenment of the soul. "The soul which cannot endure fire and smoke won't find the secret." Rumi

Behold The New I

Statement: In order not to earnestly remember the former things, nor consider the things of old, you are required to take action by moving forward, which means stepping away from where you are, leaving the past in the past, remaining in the present, and moving toward your future.

Behold The New II

Statement: In order not to earnestly remember the former things, nor consider the things of old, you are required to take action by moving forward, which means stepping away from where you are, leaving the past in the past, remaining in the present, and moving toward your future.


Statement: Guidelines to recognise the characteristics of love: Faithful love is steadfast, never ceases, and its mercy never comes to an end but is new every morning.


Statement: Entering into the present, withstanding fear of the unknown, opens us to dimensions we have never seen before, and we are intrigued by the moment, depending on the elegance of the mind and present consciousness, and view and review the present in an endless array of variations.

Emotional Leakage

Statement: Occasionally we may spring an emotional leak. It is okay when it happens in private but becomes complicated when in public. Feelings of shame, weakness, ridicule, and criticism might accompany these moments but it is important to understand that the expression is not a sign of weakness or failure but a sign of emotional health. Our culture, and consequently we, place a lot of pressure on ourselves to appear strong and confident when, in fact, what makes us beautifully human is our moments of sensitivity.

Forgiveness Is A Given

Statement: It is the nature of human beings to make mistakes because we are not perfect however, if we refuse to forgive the wrongs done to us, we will become prisoners of our own making. To quote the infamous line from Alexander Pope's poem, to err is human, to forgive divine.


Statement: When we cultivate an attitude of gratitude, we are reinforcing the belief that all things, whether good or bad, work together for your good.


Statement: Part of the journey to freedom is letting go of the belief that you can save the world on your own. It is more beneficial to believe that angels are ready to serve, strengthen, and bring the promises of God to earth.  


Statement: A womb is a place where rest, growth, and discovery happen and, periodically, it is necessary to return to the embryonic state. There we receive nourishment, strength, and provision for re-birth so that we can share and express the power of creation.