Showing 13–18 of 18 results

Step By Step

Statement: Every step taken, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, is a step of victory, a step toward taking your power back.

The Race

Description: In every effort of conscious and active participation in your life's journey - its highs and lows, deep breaths and silence, beautiful noise and screaming chaos - you can come to realise that the destination is not as important as the moments that lead you to it.  

Three People Painting the World

Statement: Done with the past and busy with the present while confident that the future is taken care of, knowing that when the old meets the new, there will be a link but no connection.


Statement: If you stagnate so, do your dreams, and to reach your full potentiality you must keep in mind that life is not static but a dynamic process in which changes are happening.    


Statement: Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long & hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival. Churchill  

You Are Not Alone

Statement: The message is very clear: “Follow your heart.” When you open your visceral eyes it becomes clear that you are not alone.