Evolutionary Awareness
Purpose of the Past
Touch Is A Language
Statement: You cannot touch without being touched. There is unity under diversity at the centre of all existence, and it is know by the most perfect of all tests for the person concerned, because he has felt it. "Touch Is A Language" formed part of my third solo exhibition, Soul Food, 15-28 July '15, in Statuto13 Gallery, Milan, Italy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6Zi3SbSTFI&t=11s https://www.facebook.com/events/779281475502445 http://www.statuto13.it/statuto13/cataloghi_files/CATALOGOvanos.pdf?fbclid=IwAR13J3OTPX6uAPGB6qfAG3RHLoj1GNbFkvqvyvAV21bwdW1YuYCPHOPPfgg