Showing all 11 results

Deserving Abundance

Statement: The truth of life is made known when you embrace that harmony, balance, love, and truth are ceaselessly coursing through your veins. Life has made provision for your "mistakes" and is constantly working out a way for you to receive your prosperity. LIFE LOVES YOU!

Into The Light

Statement: We know we've come full circle when we stand at a similar crossroad where we made a mess before, but this time we take a different road.

Liberty (freedom without walls)

Statement: The advance of human liberty can only strengthen  the cause of individual and collective peace.

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Statement: “When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.” Corrie Ten Boom

Participate In Your Dreams

Statement: Fear of failing should not hinder your dreams; remember that mistakes are part of the process to life and prosperity.  


Statement: We can experience miraculous transformation when we give our inner seed the soil, nourishment, and sunshine to become what we know we should be.

Shadows and Sunshine

Statement: Beauty is found in the symmetry of resplendent light and eclipsed darkness, for without pain we cannot know joy, without fear we cannot know love, and without grace we cannot know forgiveness.

Smoke and Mirrors I

Statement: Be alert to obscuring or embellishing the truth of a situation because a lie can mislead and cause confusion.

Smoke and Mirrors II

Statement: Be alert to whether there is obscuring or embellishment of the truth of a situation, because a lie can mislead and give confusing information.

The Blueprint of Our Reality

Statement: Offer positive speech and thoughts to yourself  and the world, and the air around you will become so charged with positive energy that it will affect your entire being.

You Are Greatly Loved And Dearly Prized

Statement: Open your heart to the true miracle of love which values you above all else, welcomes you as you are, and gathers you into loving arms where you are safe and sound.