Showing 1–12 of 38 results

Abundant Life I

Statement: When creation presents a plethora of multitudinous hues of green we instinctually experience increased emotions and thoughts of optimism and hope. It is a gentle reminder that sorrow lasts only for a night and joy comes in the morning.

Conquering Challenges

Statement: During challenging times we need to be extra vigilant to guard our thought and emotional life's meditation. This could mean the difference between rising above the challenges or being weighed down by them.

Discontinuity with the Past

Statement: "To be happy means a drastic change in your way of life, an abrupt change - because there is no time to loose. A sudden change - a sudden clash of thunder - a discontinuity... and you die to the old and you start afresh." Osho


Statement: Duality teaches us that every aspect of life is created from a balanced interaction of opposite and competing forces. Yet these forces are not just opposites; they are complementary. They do not cancel out each other, they merely balance each other.

Echoes of Memories

Statement: Now cannot be recreated for change is our constant companion, and it would benefit us greatly to embrace every moment before it makes way for a new one. Make your moments count because you will only be left with memories.

Elevated Spirit

Statement: How wonderful to surrender to the cleansing and healing flow of water, as they wash away everything that wasn't originally part of your undisputed authenticity.

Evolutionary Awareness

Statement: Cultivating wisdom and intellect deepens the desire of your sensory relationship with life.

Fly Swallow Fly

Statement: Swallows are the first sign of spring. This is a time for celebration. It’s time to shake the sleepiness, get alert, get moving, and start enjoying life! The tides have changed and it’s time for new beginnings! Enjoy the bright road ahead because it’s only going to get brighter! LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH, AND BE HAPPY!

Free to Choose

Statement: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle.


Statement: Joy, wonder, discovery and adventure in life are experienced when we are open and receptive to our earth and soul journey.


Statement: Beautify the world by embracing your journey. You can build your life with love, peace, and forgiveness. This will make all the difference to the world, even after you’ve left.


Statement: There has been no real urgency in the past to understand the psychological implications and affects of social distancing, but due to international responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, researches are fast discovering the necessity to study how individuals are managing and the psychological impact of complex interconnection.