Showing 1–12 of 21 results

Chasing The Blues Away

Statement: Fly away from your cares and feel the wind upon your face. Troubles, when seen from a birds-eye-view, look small and possibilities infinite. Come on, get happy!

Dodge the Bullet

Statement: Note to future self, we are avoiding the naysayers and skeptics now, and even though it feels lonely at times, one day, you will thank me. In the meantime let go of the fear of what others might say and reach for the stars. You have been given the sky, don’t be afraid of the obstacles. The world is waiting for you.  

Echoes of Memories

Statement: Now cannot be recreated for change is our constant companion, and it would benefit us greatly to embrace every moment before it makes way for a new one. Make your moments count because you will only be left with memories.


Statement: “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” Lao Tzu

Free to Choose

Statement: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle.

Highs and Lows I

Statement: Every life, no matter how many valleys or mountain tops he encounters, is made up of a single moment, the moment he discovers that he is infinite.

Highs and Lows II

Statement: Every life, no matter how many valleys or mountain tops he encounters, is made up of a single moment, the moment he discovers that he is infinite.

I’m Alive

Statement: A tree in winter is transformed and laid bare by unstoppable changes. At that time, there is no hiding its imperfections from all who look upon it, but the tree is not ashamed of its translucence, for it knows full well of the transformation and beauty taking place within, soon to reveal on the outside.

Kindness Toward Others

Statement: The ancient Greeks saw kindness through the lens of reason, emphasising the positive effects acts of kindness have, not just on the receiver of kindness but to the giver of kindness as well, not for the salvation of the soul in the afterlife, but in this life.

Live By The Sun, Love By The Moon

Statement: “The sun loves the moon so much that he dies every night to let her breathe, and in return, she reflects his love.” ― Jeffrey Fry.  

Looking to the Future and Nurturing Hope

Statement: If you knew that hope and despair were paths to the same destination, which would you choose? – Robert Brault I have learned, through cultivating awareness, to spend more time in hope and less in fear. They say practice makes perfect and this cannot be more true than in this exercise.

Love In A Concrete World

Statement: Love has no boundaries and is eternally expanding, for it is written: “Love will conquer all.”