Showing 1–12 of 94 results

A Promise

Statement: A band of colours, as seen in a rainbow, ignites within the heart a sense of hope, peace, and anticipation to reconcile that which was lost.

Abundant Life I

Statement: When creation presents a plethora of multitudinous hues of green we instinctually experience increased emotions and thoughts of optimism and hope. It is a gentle reminder that sorrow lasts only for a night and joy comes in the morning.

And the Crowd Cheered

Statement: In times when there is no one around to cheer you on, be your own cheerleader. Be the protagonist of your life story and others will join you along the way to celebrate with you.

Auspicious Beginnings

Statement: Life begins in an egg and some believe that potentiality is already being formed in the womb. What can we therefore say about this life? We can say that everyday is new and an opportunity to cultivate our potential, which will affect the days to come.


Statement: Life is a wondrous mystery. What brightens it up is precious, whether we can see it with a microscope

Catch A Star

Statement: Reach for your dreams and never give up, for you may reach them at your very next try. Remember why you started!

Chance Impressions

Statement: Transparency is a form of outward expression that embodies essential inner substance so that the form is in complete harmony with the inner essence.

Close Your Eyes and Make a Wish

Statement: Greek mythology on a shooting star: It was thought that the gods, overwhelmed with curiosity, would sometimes look at the earth from between the spheres, and that in that instant a star or two might slip through the gap and become visible as a shooting star. Since the gods were clearly peering down at that very moment, it was considered an excellent opportunity to voice one's wishes with the guarantee that the gods would hear them.

Confusion in a Smile

Statement: A smile confuses an approaching frown. This said, gratitude can be cultivated if the heart so desires, and with gratitude joy will follow.

Conquering Challenges

Statement: During challenging times we need to be extra vigilant to guard our thought and emotional life's meditation. This could mean the difference between rising above the challenges or being weighed down by them.

Discontinuity with the Past

Statement: "To be happy means a drastic change in your way of life, an abrupt change - because there is no time to loose. A sudden change - a sudden clash of thunder - a discontinuity... and you die to the old and you start afresh." Osho

Downloads From Heaven

Statement: Be willing and determined and fearless till you recognise that it’s all about love.