Showing all 5 results

Conquering Challenges

Statement: During challenging times we need to be extra vigilant to guard our thought and emotional life's meditation. This could mean the difference between rising above the challenges or being weighed down by them.

Fly Swallow Fly

Statement: Swallows are the first sign of spring. This is a time for celebration. It’s time to shake the sleepiness, get alert, get moving, and start enjoying life! The tides have changed and it’s time for new beginnings! Enjoy the bright road ahead because it’s only going to get brighter! LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH, AND BE HAPPY!

Miracles in the Air

Statement: Keep some room in your heart for miracles because every once in a while, right in the middle of

Rising from the Sun

Statement: Divine inspiration comes from the top of the mountain, so I will focus on my pilgrimage of transcendence and


Statement: We can experience miraculous transformation when we give our inner seed the soil, nourishment, and sunshine to become what we know we should be.