Showing all 6 results

Silent Language

Statement: "...I closed my mouth, and voiced my feelings to you in the language of the ocean's waves, and delivered my message to you in the language of the Wind breeze..." Hussein Dekmak

The Art of Imperfection

Statement: Making mistakes.. is it an error or an opportunity to remove the boundaries created by the fear of failure? Possibly the beginning of something great? A process of giving birth to new life?

The Dance that Heals

Statement: We are fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. Japanese quote.

The Four Elements of Life

Statement: You have everything in the palm of your hand. There is nothing missing, nothing lacking, everything is whole.

The World in a Grain of Sand

Statement: "If each grain of sand were to say: .... One grain does not make a mountain, there would be no land... If each of us were to say: ..... One person does not make a difference, there would not be LOVE, COMPASSION and PEACE on earth." Rumi

Time Symmetry

Statement: May a beautiful future reach back and create a wonderful present.