Showing 37–44 of 44 results

The Ocean Laughs

Statment: In one drop of water is found the secrets of the ocean.

Time Out

Statement: When things get too much, find a tree to rest under, and most assuredly a treasure you will find.

Two Sides

Statement: Now you see them, now you don’t. There is more to you than meets the eye, and this knowing will help you see others in a different light.

Unknown Destination

Statement: Loose the limited space which was formed by your past, and you will be liberated to create an unlimited journey.  

Unutterable Joy

Statement: Freedom requires determination so, push and scream and do whatever it takes until you breakthrough. What you will find will be well worth your efforts. Then you will not be able to contain your joy because you will realise that you are well on your way to freedom.

Victory Over Night

Statement: Get moving – it is the dawn of a new day and with it the potential of endless possibilities.

Who Goes There?

Statement: In the process of getting to know yourself the shroud that covers the infinite mystery of being is lifted, and the great reveal promises to be pure and true.

Woman Who Run With The Wolves

Statement: They stripped her of her strength & left her for dead. Somewhere ,deep within ,the wild woman began to howl & gather strength for her return.